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Fields of Science

FieldOfScience (TimeStampedModel) django-model

A field of science is a division under which a project falls. The list is prepopulated in ColdFront using the National Science Foundation FOS list, but can be changed by a center admin if needed. Examples include Chemistry and Physics.


Name Type Description
parent_id FieldOfScience

represents parent field of science if it exists

is_selectable bool

indicates whether or not a field of science is selectable for a project

description str

field of science description

fos_nsf_id int

represents the field of science's ID under the National Science Foundation

fos_nsf_abbrev str

represents the field of science's abbreviation under the National Science Foundation

directorate_fos_id int

represents the National Science Foundation's ID for the department the field of science falls under

created: AutoCreatedField django-field


description: CharField django-field


directorate_fos_id: IntegerField blank django-field nullable

directorate fos id

fos_nsf_abbrev: CharField blank django-field nullable

fos nsf abbrev

fos_nsf_id: IntegerField blank django-field nullable

fos nsf id

is_selectable: BooleanField django-field

is selectable

modified: AutoLastModifiedField django-field


parent_id: ForeignKey django-field nullable

parent id