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This document describes upgrading ColdFront. New releases of ColdFront may introduce breaking changes so please refer to this document before upgrading.


This release includes a new Project Attribute feature which requires a database migration. Also included in this release is a new date widget which updates some css/javascript assets. Before upgrading, be sure to backup your database.

To upgrade via pip, following these steps:

$ source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade coldfront
$ coldfront migrate
$ coldfront collectstatic

# Optionally, add new default Project Attribute Types
$ coldfront add_default_project_choices


This release changes some css/javascript assets to be hosted statically instead of using a CDN. We also made some minor modifications to the default template. This will require running collectstatic. Before upgrading, be sure to backup your database and verify your custom template changes as they may need updating.

To upgrade via pip, following these steps:

$ source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade coldfront
$ coldfront migrate
$ coldfront collectstatic


This release includes a new notes field on projects which will require database migrations. See PR #403 for details. Before upgrading, be sure to backup your database and any custom changes.

To upgrade via pip, following these steps:

$ source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade coldfront
$ coldfront migrate
$ coldfront collectstatic


This release includes a new allocation change workflow along with a major Django upgrade from v2.2 to v3.2, both of which will require database migrations. Before upgrading, be sure to backup your database and any custom changes.

To upgrade via pip, following these steps:

$ source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade coldfront
$ coldfront migrate
$ coldfront collectstatic

# Optionally, add new default Resource Attribute Types
$ coldfront add_resource_defaults


This release changed the way ColdFront is configured. Before, there were two files and that were used for custom configuration settings. This release now uses environment variables. For more details please see the documentation on configuring ColdFront. After upgrading to v1.0.3 you'll need to migrate any custom configs to use environment variables or modify your existing to conform to the new settings. Here's a simple example of a file prior to v1.0.3:

SLURM_SACCTMGR_PATH = '/usr/bin/sacctmgr'

After upgrading to v1.0.3 you'll need to modify your file as follows:

from coldfront.config.base import INSTALLED_APPS


SLURM_SACCTMGR_PATH = '/usr/bin/sacctmgr'

Or change to using environment variables:
